Ethiopia 2020| Visiting Khat farm (የጫት እርሻ ጉብኝት) in ILUBABOR, Oromia | East Africa's Cash-Crop

Published on May 10, 2021
Welcome to Being Metsihate!

I hope y'all are doing great and not letting the pandemic get you.

I'm so thrilled again to continue sharing contents from my recent trip to Ethiopia before all the COVID-19 madness that's driving our world crazy. This video tries to shed light on the zone and it's debated cash-crop while exploring the small khat cultivation I visited while on a trip to Illubabor, one of the zones in Oromia region of Ethiopia.I hope you learn something from this video about realities surrounding khat or the little fact about the region.

"የቃመ ተጠቀመ ያልቃመ ተለቀመ" ሲባል ሰምቼ ነበር ድሮ፤ ምንም እንኳን በዚህ ዝነኛ አባባል ውስጥ ምኑ እንደሚለቀም ባይገባኝም በአጭር ግዜ ውስጥ ስለጫት እንዲሁም የአካባቢዉን ውጣውረድ ከተረት ባለፈ ለመገንዘብ በቅቼ ነበር ከአያቶቼ መንደር። በዚህም አጋጣሚ በጫት ዙሪያ ያሉ አነጋጋሪ ነጥቦችን እና እውነታዎችን ልጋራ ብዬ ነው። 116048771883198519315D MîTå116048771tuz$883198519315D

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